Online credit card offers often don’t have your best interest in mind
Our friends at “The List” TV show recently called us up with a great question, “What do you think of these online credit card offers and review websites?”
“They’re great,” we explained, “for the people running the websites with commission-based relationships with the card issuers.”
For the record, we don’t do that here at MilesHusband.
With that in mind, here’s our take along with some other great tips from the folks at “The List.”
You might not be getting the best deal
The #1 thing to know about credit card offers you see online: The website most often has an affiliate relationship with the bank offering the card.
They stand to make as much as $300 for every new customer who clicks through their link and is approved to receive the card.
Look for small print clues.

2. Hidden Disclosures
Sometimes websites won’t be as upfront. The List TV correspondent Jimmy Rhoades says you need to scroll to the bottom of the the screen.

3. Editorial Separation
Your safest bets are websites that are very clear that have separate people writing the reviews and selling the ads.
Your best bet might be going with a paid subscription service like Consumer Reports.

MilesHusband to the rescue
If you want an unbiased take on the best credit card to get to work toward your travel goals and dreams, please check out my services.